
What is evaporation? | Evaporation vs boiling | factors affecting evaporation

Evaporation is the natural process of vaporization of a liquid because of increased temperature or pressure. Evaporation occurs from the surface of a liquid when the molecules absorb sufficient energy to overcome the vapor pressure and escape as gas. In this article, we will discuss the factors affecting evaporation and the differences between evaporation and

What is evaporation? | Evaporation vs boiling | factors affecting evaporation Read More »

What are renewable resources? What is the best renewable resource?

The energy resources which can be used an endless number of times are known as renewable energy resources. Solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric energy, and geothermal energy are some examples of renewable resources. Renewable energy is generally carbon neutral (or produces low emissions) and is sustainable hence, becomes very important in the current times of

What are renewable resources? What is the best renewable resource? Read More »

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